When it comes to siding installation, it is important to have a professional install your siding. The best time of year to have your siding installed depends on where you live and the type of material that you select. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of materials as well as what the best times are for installation in certain regions.
There are several different types of materials that can be used for siding. Some common ones include wood, vinyl, and metal. Depending on the type of material you choose to use will play a role in when it is the best time to have your siding installed during certain parts of the year.
Wood Siding Installation
Wood siding is a very popular type of material for homeowners to have installed on their homes. It can be painted or stained to give your home’s exterior more color and personality. The best time of year to install wood siding will depend on where you live, however it is advised that you do not have this done during the Fall or Winter months. There is a chance that the wood could get damaged by rain, snow, and other harsh weather conditions if not properly taken care of before installation.
Vinyl Siding Installation
Vinyl siding has become increasingly popular over the past several years due to its durability and how easy it can be installed on your home’s exterior. It is important that the temperature outside of your home is at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit during installation. If this condition does not meet, then it may be best to wait until springtime when temperatures rise and fluctuate less.
If you choose vinyl as a material for your siding, the best time of year for installation is in early spring. This gives your vinyl siding a chance to dry out from Winter weather and will also minimize potential damage from any storms that may roll through during the summer months after the installation has been completed.
Metal Siding Installation
People who live in colder climates tend to select metal as their material for siding because they are very durable and can stand up against harsh weather conditions. During the colder Winter months, you must have this material installed by a professional because of its heavyweight. If not properly taken care of before installation, your roof could collapse due to being weighed down by ice or snow which collects on top.
If you choose metal as a material for your siding, there is no bad time of year to install it. Because metal is not affected by weather, you can have your siding installed at any point throughout the year depending on when you are ready for installation or hire a siding contractors in New Jersey.
Contact a Professional
Knowing what type of siding is on the house before you buy new material is helpful. Determine if your contractor will be bringing in their materials or using yours. If they are not replacing all of them, determine how much extra it might cost to do so and factor that into your budget decisions. If interested in an installation, contact us.